Cafe Delicia- School Canteen
School canteen facility aims to provide children of working parents to buy nutritious and healthy food at competitive prices during the school day. Meals are either cooked on the premises or bought from approved restaurants and food outlets. Pupils who cannot take full breakfast from home may bring some form of healthy ‘snack’ with them for break time. Pupils can also buy snacks items and fruits from the snacks counter.
Parents shall send canteen food order slip or coupon through the pupil for availing canteen services. Payments can be made daily, weekly or monthly. There is a choice of menu that operates on a rota basis during the week. If you would like to learn more about the menu and payment system, please contact the Catering Supervisor.
Parents are requested to consider healthy food options with quantity appropriate to the age and appetite of the student. Pupils are encouraged to bring and use fork and spoon for their lunch. Parents are advised to send packed lunches covered with a towel.
Pupils may bring water to drink during the day in a clean water bottle. Water dispensers are provided for them to refill their bottles during the day.
Fizzy drinks, chewing/bubble gums, etc., are not to be brought to school at anytime.