- Be well prepared before you stand before the students.
- Be aware of student s previous knowledge and abilities, when planning activities.
- Watch good teachers manage their class, indiscipline, naughty children
- Plan for different learning styles (i.e., visual, kinesthetic, audio).
- Plan activities involving movement, fun etc. for every topic
- Vary the teaching environment.
- Allow children be risk takers and make mistakes
- Allow children figure out their mistakes.
- Allow students work in groups. Assign tasks to members like leader, helper, recorder
- Establish clear simple rules – Scope, time limit, what you expect, be safe, be responsible.
- Establish appropriate listening, speaking and answering / responding behaviours.
- Praise appropriate behaviours.
- Clarify inappropriate behaviours, explain consequences, make students say what was wrong.
- Establish looks or signals rather than drawing verbal attention to inappropriate behaviours.
- Give breaks – Establish actions to gain and bring back student attention.
- Use Ice breakers, motivating games etc. to motivate students quickly.
- Create a situation rather than force a child to join an activity
- Allow extra time for the week and show patience. Prepare reports on progress
- Let children explore and learn from outside the classroom
- Make your class fun, so that children want to come to school everyday because of YOU.
- Punish any child physically, tease, humiliate or use harsh words or torture mentally
- Ignore students / allow them to wander or talk, when you are engaged.
- Act / talk as a police person
- Teach a mistake. Be sure what is correct, – whether it is a spelling or a pronunciation
- Discourage – demotivate or anything that could affect interest or cause a depression
- Teach holding books and sit while you give a lesson
- Take action against any child without explaining
- Give imposition or other wasteful acts to force a child learn.
- Overwhelm children with rules and routines.
- Force children to perform too many tasks inappropriate to age or time available.
- Judge children with prejudice
- Give too many worksheets and homeworks. Stick to school’s homework policy
- Leave the impression that school will be all hard work.
- Leave material and manipulatives outside unless you want the children to use them.
- Make exceptions to the school’s rules, even if you don’t agree with them.
- Reprimand a student in front of others; a quiet word in their ear is okay.
- Allow disrespect to learning, others, or property
- Begin teaching until everyone is meeting your expectations. It sends the wrong message to them.
- Talk matters other than school related within staffroom.
- Do not use mobile phones during class hours.