Conduct Rules

Code of Conduct And Expectations
The code of conduct has been made based on 4 broad principles
1. We have the right to learn
2. We all have the right to be treated fairly
3. We all have the right to work in a clean and attractive environment
4. We all have the right to be safe.
Classroom rules
- Show respect and be polite to everyone. (Golden rule).
- Abide by the school rules and regulations .
- Be on time, be on task, well prepared.
- Wear full school uniform as per the Uniform Code.
- Arrive with books and equipment relevant .
- Submit homework and assignment by the given date.
- Walk silently and orderly at all times.
- Keep hands feet and your objects to yourself.
- Don’t take others’ belongings without their permission.
- Listen carefully to instructions.
- Do not interrupt while speaking unless permitted.
- Work quietly and do not disturb others.
- Keep the classroom clean and tidy. Check the state at the end of every session.
- Raise your hand before you speak.
- Always communicate in English, except during other language periods.
- Follow directions and instructions.
- Golden rule – “Always do to others, as you would wish them to do to you”.
Playground and equipment rules
- No hanging upside down on any equipment.
- No jumping off from the swings.
- Wait for your turn.
- Pushing from the slide is not allowed.
- Follow instructions from the teacher.
- No pushing or shoving is allowed.
- No throwing balls at each other.
Lunch and Snacks Time rules
- Keep silence – No laughing and No discussions.
- Do not put wastes on the floor.
- Wait in a single line for washing the hands.
- Remain seated at all times.
- Keep your area clean at all times.
Bus rules
- Follow the Bus Drivers’ / Bus Assistants’ instructions at all times.
- Board and leave the bus at the assigned regular stops, until permitted by the Principal.
- Sit in proper manner, facing forward.
- Keep whole body – head and hands within the bus.
- Do not talk to bus driver while he is driving.
- No pushing, tripping, shoving, and fighting while boarding, riding or leaving the bus.
- Do not scratch off the bus seat covers.
- Students must reach the boarding place 5 minutes before the schedule.
- Do not throw wastes or any items.
*Computer Lab rules – Need to get Info from school