About Us
ISO Certified Institution with a Homely Boarding
Mission And ValuesOur Mission
Proclaiming Transcendence through Excellence in Education
Mission And ValuesWelcome to the Admissions Office

We are more than pleased to share our community of learning with you, even from afar!
We are continuing to process all admission inquiries and applications amidst this uncertain time. Our admission office is here to support you and your family throughout our 3-step hassle-free admission process.
Please feel free to reach out, schedule a video or telephone call and peruse the academic, artistic, and athletic offerings for your child at St. Jude’s Global. We are looking forward to connecting with you soon!
Warm regards,
Sanandha Sajen
Director of Admissions
We look forward to connecting with you soon.
CBSE Boarding School In Kerala
We understand that letting your child leave the nest early is a difficult decision to make. But at St. Jude’s Global School, we make sure to make the process easy for both children and parents. Endowed with the benefits of the finest CBSE boarding schools in Kerala, deciding to let your child under our roof will seem like the easiest choice to make.
Our residential programme is named after one of the famous educational systems practised in India in ancient times- the Gurukul. Every Judean enrolled in Gurukul undergoes the most positive transformation one could ever have in their life. This explains how we were rated as one of the best CBSE boarding schools in Kerala.
Enrollment at our boarding school further guarantees academic excellence and a sense of self-discipline. Our programme is designed to accelerate their growth to compete among the sharpest minds in the world. Judeans at Gurukul are at the hands of the most trusted CBSE boarding schools in Kerala, and that is a promise.
Academic Excellence
Leaders of Character

Spiritual Growth
Perks of Being a Boarder at Gurukul
Gurukul trains students to make their mark in the world in the future. This is where boarding schools gain an edge over the day schools in enabling the kids to grow into more confident, more responsible, more success-driven individuals. Our facilities and techniques are aimed at attaining individual personality development, inculcation of moral conscience, and ethical training. While most CBSE boarding schools in Kerala seek commercial benefits, Gurukul offers an institutional approach.
Moreover, our survey reveals that engagement in extracurricular activities and sports was noticeably higher in boarders than in day scholars. Being at Gurukul provides them sufficient time to manage their academics,
We impart holistic learning to Judeans under our care. Our schedule devotes adequate time for physical activity and development of other skill sets that assists a child to become a better version of themselves. While doing so, we stand out from all other CBSE boarding schools in Kerala.
Unconventional Classrooms
In most conventional classrooms of CBSE schools, children are taught to memorize study material. They are expected to study information to regurgitate it on a test and forget it the following day. Nevertheless, that is not how St. Jude’s works. Our enrichment programme strives to bring out the best in them, including their individuality. That explains how we rose to become one of the best CBSE schools in town.
With us, students are not just taught impressive terminology or how to ace the tests. They are taught how to think. More importantly, they are taught how to think together. Being the best school in Kerala, we understand that learning is not memorization or a competition. It is working together to solve the problems around us and better the community. It is the means to a better future.
Building A Bright Future
When you enroll your child with us, you enroll them with the best and brightest students in Kerala. We provide them with ample openings to explore their potential and to make the most out of it. Everyday technology is harnessed to make significant strides forward. We compete with the best schools in Kerala to make sure that your child receives the education they deserve.
We believe in dignity of labour. Just as much as we like to build doctors making textbook incisions with machine-like precision, we promote artists who can weave magic with their paintbrushes. Judeans are never restricted to fit in the crowd; they are trained to stand out in whatever they choose to do. This motto has helped us to become the best school in Kerala.
A New Age Of Education
What most modern education lacks is practical application of lessons imparted. Today’s youth is gradually disconnecting from their community. As one of the best CBSE schools in Kerala, our goal is to motivate them to complete community service and become active members of society apart from being intellectually competent.
Every student who has ever stepped foot in St. Jude’s leaves a mark of their own. Each one of them is guided to find a legacy to fulfill their purpose in life. Among all the CBSE schools in town, we try the hardest to help students unlock the very essence of their true potential. We guarantee you; this is the best school for your child to find their wings.
Science Research Institute
Learn about the advanced curriculum of our unique-in-Kerala-research and read student blogs about their research opportunities in area laboratories.
College Counseling
Read about our four-year College Counseling program and learn more about our graduate outcomes.
Download our Admissions Viewbook
How Gurukul Alters Lifestyle
Among all the CBSE boarding schools in Kerala, Gurukul provides children the optimum residential experience. We train every individual to adopt a healthy routine that is balanced with the right amount of entertainment, education, and personality development. Judeans trained at Gurukul take on a sense of punctuality and awareness by default without pressurizing them with rigid training. Values we impart groom them into responsible and dependable individuals in the future.
With us, your child is exposed to life-changing experiences and revelations that have the potential to alter their perspective to a futuristic one. We are keen on providing them regarding challenges to train them for the long run beyond their classrooms. That makes our pursuit one in a million. We embrace the wholesome development of an individual at Gurukul for we believe the value of a human being is not measured by their intellect alone. For the reason that we are not fixated on providing academic progress for a child, we have been recognized as one of the CBSE boarding schools in Kerala.
Leadership at SJGS
At St. Jude’s Global, we understand that living requires consistent work and review. For that very reason, our learning programmes are not restricted to the hours they spend in their classrooms. This is why we are the best school your child can be admitted to. Throughout an academic year, Judeans are taught in the most enjoyable techniques, to accomplish and fail, and to rise from the ashes, experienced and renewed. This is what most CBSE schools fail to provide.