Different Parenting Styles: Which is the Best For Your Kid?
Your parenting style has an impact on everything from your kid’s health to their self-esteem. The way you engage with your kid and how you treat them will have an effect on them for the rest of their life, it’s critical to make sure your parenting style supports growth and development.
Some parents want their kids to follow their orders without any questions. Others try to take charge of every area of their kid’s life to protect them. Some other parents take a more relaxed approach and allow their kids to make their own decisions in almost every situation.
We all want our kids to be confident, intelligent, and successful. But where do you start? What’s the ideal parenting method to use? Read this blog to know about the best parenting style and how it helps your kid.

Parenting Styles Types
There are four different types of parenting styles. Based on the setting and context, you could utilise one or more of these distinct styles at different times. Here are the four parenting styles:
Authoritative Parenting

Authoritative parents work hard to build and maintain a good relation with their kids. They explain why they set rules and why are they important. They give punishments, but they also regard their kid’s feelings. They respect their kid’s sentiments while also expressing that they are in charge.
Authoritative parents take some time and out in efforts to prevent behavioural issues before they arise. Positive disciplinary tools, such as praise and reward systems.
Authoritative parents take some time and out in efforts to prevent behavioural issues before they arise. Positive disciplinary tools, such as praise and reward systems.
Kids who are raised by authoritative parents are more likely to be successful and happy. They are better at making decisions and assessing threats to their own safety.
Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parents feel that kids should always follow the rules. When a kid asks the reason for a rule, they tend to reply, “Because I said so.” They are uninterested in bargaining and are just concerned with obeying orders.
They also prevent kids from trying to solve their own problems and want to always be in charge. They set rules and punishments without thinking about the views of their kids.
Instead of discipline, authoritarian parents may punish their kids. Rather than teaching a kid how to make better decisions, they focus their time on making kids feel bad for their mistakes.
They may also get enraged or confrontational. Instead of thinking about how to improve in the future, such kids focus on the rage at their parents. Authoritarian parents are mostly strict and so their kids may start lying to escape punishment.
Permissive Parenting

Permissive parents are forgiving. They only get involved when there is a serious situation. When they do use punishments, it’s possible that they won’t keep to them. If a kid pleads, they may quickly forgive their kids.
Permissive parents are more likely to play the role of a friend than a parent. They urge their kids to discuss their issues with them but rarely try to prevent poor choices or bad behaviour.
Academic struggles are more common in kids growing up with permissive parents. They may have more behavioural issues as they don’t like rules and norms. They frequently have poor self-esteem and often show sadness. They’re also at a risks of health issues like obesity.
Uninvolved Parenting

Uninvolved parents are often unaware of their kid’s activities. It’s possible that kids don’t get enough guidance, loving, or parental attention. Parents that are uninvolved expect their kids to take care of themselves.
Children who have uninvolved parents are more prone to have low self-esteem. They have a dismal academic record. They also have a lot of behavioural issues and aren’t very happy.
Permissive parents are forgiving. They only get involved when there is a serious situation. When they do use punishments, it’s possible that they won’t keep to them. If a kid pleads, they may quickly forgive their kids.
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