Beyond Schooling Programs

Beyond Schooling Programs

Co-Curricular Activities and Competitions
To cultivate Co–scholastic skills and provide a multi-faceted development, the school offers Extra–curricular Activities, as Extended Day Programme (EDP). These include Instrumental music, Dance (Western / Classical), Music (Western / Classical), Drawing & Painting, Zumba, Boxing, Basket Ball, Swimming, Yoga, Karate, Aerobics, Skating and a wide range of other indoor and outdoor sports and games. Participation in the EDP Programme is compulsory for all students. To learn more about the list of activities under the EDP, parents may refer to Guideline on Extended Day Programme.
Talent shows and competitions form a regular feature of the school. Parents are requested to encourage maximum participation of their ward and make use of the opportunities to their best.
News Reading
News is the first rough draft of history and in history, all the secrets of the world lie. Students of Grades IV to XII can subscribe to an English newspaper from the school. To inculcate the reading habit among students every day ten minutes would be spent for reading the newspaper.
Weekly Quiz Competitions
House wise weekly quiz competitions will be held on every Wednesday to inculcate the habit to inquire, gather information on new theories and discoveries. Category wise quiz questions will be put forth on the notice board to enlighten the students.
Innovation, Creativity & Edutainment (ICE)
House wise weekly quiz competitions will be held on every Wednesday to inculcate the habit to inquire, gather information on new theories and discoveries. Category wise quiz questions will be put forth on the notice board to enlighten the students.
Education for Life
Training and equipping the students with skills that are required to handle real life situations, is an integral part of our school programmes. Importance is given to develop the personality and soft skills of the students through various programmes. Their participation in multifarious activities including Roots & Wings Training Programmes, Rainbow assistance etc., motivates them to discover for themselves and to build on their strengths and excel individually in the future, wherever they are.